Specialised in the purchase and sales of ware potatoes. For every batch of potatoes, small or large, we try to find the right place and price.
Our network of suppliers and buyers continues to grow, which means we almost always succeed in bringing supply and demand together, with a price that satisfies everyone.

About us
We are Ephraim Potatoes
Nico Ephraim saw opportunities 30 years ago for trading in baby potatoes and oversized potatoes, leftover from the seed potato sector. Since then, a trusted network of suppliers has been built up in the northern parts of the Netherlands. After starting in Emmeloord, the company is now located in Espel.
Today, the sons, Job and Wim, also work in the company and the trade has expanded further. In addition to the fresh market, the industry is now also a major sales channel for our potatoes. Especially now that there are three people trading, a lot can be combined and moved. There is also a trade in new and used pallets.
Marja has been doing the administration since the start of the business and provides support where necessary.
Over ons

Wij zijn aardappelhandel Ephraim & Zn
Nico Ephraim zag 30 jaar geleden kansen voor handel in kriel aardappelen en bovenmaatse aardappelen vanuit de pootgoedsector. Sindsdien is er een vertrouwd netwerk van leveranciers opgebouwd in de Noordoostpolder, Flevoland, Friesland en Groningen. Na een start in Emmeloord, zit het bedrijf tegenwoordig in Espel gevestigd.
Vandaag de dag werken ook de zonen, Job en Wim, mee in het bedrijf en is de handel verder uitgebreid. Naast de versmarkt is nu ook de industrie een groot afzetkanaal voor onze aardappelen. Zeker nu er drie zijn die de handel doen, kan er veel gecombineerd en geschoven worden met partijen aardappelen. Ook is er een handel in nieuwe en gebruikte pallets bij gekomen.
Marja voert sinds de start van de handel de administratie en ondersteunt waar nodig.
30 years of experience in the potato sector.
We opt for long-term relationships with our suppliers and buyers.
“We like personal contact and trade on the basis of mutual trust. We kindly recommend ourselves to you to start a sustainable relationship together.”
We trade potatoes for the fresh market and the processing industry.
As traders, we mainly obtain our potatoes from residual flows of the seed potato sector and also potatoes from ware potato growers. We supply various types and sizes of potatoes to various parties in the fresh market. The potatoes are sold to, among others, packers for the retail or wholesalers in the Netherlands. In addition, a large part is also sold for export. For export outside Europe, we supply to Dutch exporters. Within Europe, we take care of the export ourselves to various countries including: Portugal, Spain, Romania and Hungary.
We can
supply various grades:
- Baby potatoes: 25/28 mm | 28/32 mm
- Triples: 28/35 mm | 28/40 mm
- Big size: 50/+ mm | 55/+ mm | 60/+ mm | 65/+ mm
- Field crop: 28/+ mm | 40/+ mm
The potatoes can be supplied in various ways. This can be in bulk or in crates. We also have the option to pack the potatoes in jute or poly bags, varying from 5 to 25 kg. Attaching a ribbon to the packaging is an option we can provide.
In addition to the fresh market, we also focus on the processing industry. The potatoes find their destination in various ways, depending on the quality of the potatoes and the customer’s wishes. Added value can also be created via these channels for second quality potatoes.
- Chilled / fries: Potatoes for peeling | Potatoes for french fries
- Industry: Potatoes for flakes| Potatoes for starch
- Animal feed: Potatoes for feed
If desired, we can supply certified potatoes, such as: GLOBALG.A.P., VVAK, Skal and PlanetProof.

Various types and sizes of pallets, both new and used.
We can offer you various types and sizes of pallets, both new and used. With a large stock and our own transport, we can deliver quickly.
Nowadays, sustainability and circularity are increasingly important themes. Recycled pallets do not detract from quality, but can certainly contribute to greener and more sustainable business operations.
Various sizes are available, such as: 100 x 120 cm, 110 x 110 cm, provided with an HT stamp.
Feel free to ask about the possibilities and the current price.

We have the following certificates:
NAO Hygiene Code with GMP+
This certificate shows that we work according to the NAO hygiene code and the GMP+ standards.
GLOBALG.A.P. Chain of Custody standard
This certificate shows that all potatoes that we sell GLOBALG.A.P. are from GLOBALG.A.P. certified growers or traders.
This certificate shows that all potatoes that we sell organically, come from Skal certified growers.
Terms of trade
For both
the purchase and sales of our potatoes, we apply the General Trade Conditions for Wholesale Potatoes.
These have been established by V.B.N.A. and VENEXA.
For both the purchase and sale of our potatoes outside the Netherlands, we apply the conditions established by RUCIP.